“It''s a big job.(大動作呀。)”查理豎拇指讚道。
“Yes.(是的。)”麥基拿出一遝股票,遞給查理,“It''s your 1000 shares,if you are willing to accept them.(這是你的1000股,如果你願意接受的話。)”
查理接過股票,放在桌邊:“What bsp;I do for you?Loan?(我能為你做點什麼呢?貸款嗎?)”
“No.I need no loan.(不用。我不需要貸款。)”
“The e has an old saying,無功不受祿,therefore,I think I should do something for the shares.(中國人有句俗語,無功不受祿,所以,我總要為這些股票做點什麼吧。)”
“You bsp;do me a great favour,(你可以幫我一個大忙,)”麥基湊近一步,在他耳邊低聲道,“Publish an annou on the lobsp;neer that your bank is willing to accept my shares as me.”(就是在報紙上發表一份聲明,我的股票可以用作你銀行的抵押物,給我撐個台麵。)
“It''s a risk,you know.(這是冒險,你很清楚。)”查理搖頭。
“Of cour it''s a little risk.(是的。)”麥基笑應道,“Yet you bsp;make another annou to stop subsp;me some days later before e realize the real meaning of me.The e are ud to using the Notes as me,especially the Money Hous.(但你可以在中國人弄明白抵押的真正含義之前,選個日子,發表另一份聲明來終止此類抵押。中國人習慣於用票據來做抵押物,尤其是錢莊的莊票。)”
“It''s a little trick,isn''t it?(來個小花招,是嗎?)”查理豁然開朗,微微笑道。
“Yes.(是的。)”麥基回他一笑,“The e are wi enough for subsp;small tricks.(中國人太聰明了。)”
“You mean,you want to ll your shares to the e?(你的意思是,你想把股票賣給中國人?)”
“I want only to ll my shares to any potential buyer,regardless of his race.(我隻想把股票賣給任何一個潛在的買家,無論他屬於哪個種族。)”
“I e.(明白了。)”查理伸出手,“Good lubsp;to you!(祝你好運!)”
“Thank you!(謝謝!)”
“Richard(裏查得),”望著煥然一新的大廳及滿廳橡膠展品,麥基不無滿意地轉對裏查得道,“the following step is of key importance.You must get Maosheng Money Hou involved in our business.(下一步極是關鍵,你務必搞定茂升錢莊,讓他們卷進來。)”
“No problem.(沒問題。)”裏查得應道,略略一頓,“Why do you choo Maosheng instead of Runfengyuan or Shanyiyuan?(您為何選擇茂升,而不是潤豐源或善義源?)”
“For two reasons.(原因有二。)”麥基微微一笑,“The first is,Mr.Lu has been our business partner for quite a long time,and the d is,the latter two Money Hous are cloly related to the goverherefore are not ve enough to begin with our great cau.Maosheng is different.(其一是,魯先生一直是我們的生意夥伴,其二是,後兩家與官府關係太大,掣肘較多,不方便起始我們的龐大事業。茂升不一樣。)”